Frequently Asked Questions

The first part of the nutrition consultative process is the initial intake assessment.  During the intake, you and Danielle will discuss the many variables that can influence one’s health and behavior, including genetics, environment, medical history, state of health, nutritional intake, and lifestyle.

Once Danielle has a better understanding of your health profile, she will help you to identify both long-term and short-term goals along with actionable steps that will support your overarching health needs. 

Interventions are highly individualized.  Common recommendations include:

Dietary changes
Supplement suggestions
Behavioral modification
Lifestyle alterations (esp. related to sleep, stress, and movement)

Long lasting dietary and lifestyle change takes time, patience, and commitment. While some individuals can make changes through quick-fix solutions, these changes are often fleeting. Danielle wants the most for her clients, and therefore, recommends clients plan to stay the course for an average of 3-6 months to make sustainable and meaningful changes to their overall wellbeing.




We offer two different 3-month packages.  These packages are for the client who is “all in” and ready to take charge of their health.  The two packages that we offer are:

  • 3-Month Health & Wellness Package
  • 3-Month Meal Planning Package

Inquire within to get more information about package details and pricing.

Danielle will invite you to be a member of her HIPPA-compliant portal.  She will also send you an intake form which asks you about your goals, relevant diet and lifestyle questions, medical history, and current symptoms. She will also request that you send over any labs that have been completed within the past 6-months. The more information you can provide, the better Danielle will be able to assist you in reaching your goals.

At this current time, True Potential Nutrition is exclusively a cash-based service, as this grants us the time to work with each client in the capacity that we believe is necessary to provide the individualized and specialized attention each client deserves. 

However, upon request, we do offer super bills, which can be submitted to insurance companies for reimbursement. *Please note that reimbursement is not guaranteed and is dependent upon each individual insurance company.  So, please review your benefits with your insurance to learn if reimbursement is available to you.

Great question! First, book your free 15-minute discovery call to determine if you and Danielle are a good fit for one another. If you both are in agreement that you would like to move forward, Danielle will book your first appointment on the discovery call.

The length of each session varies and is based on the type of session.

Intake: The initial session is typically 90-minutes.  This allows Danielle to complete a thorough nutrition and lifestyle analysis.

Follow-Up Visits: The immediate visit after the intake session is typically 45-minutes.  All other follow-up visits are typically 30-minute sessions.

Mealtime ABA-Based Training: The training is typically an hour and 15 minutes. This allows Danielle ample time to go over basic principles and also allots time for questions.

During the introductory package, Danielle will meet with you bi-weekly. This continuous contact is especially helpful when beginning an intervention plan, as this allows Danielle to stay up to date on your progress and make real-time modifications, if needed, along the way. From there, you and Danielle will determine what frequency is best for you and your needs.

Yes. Everything discussed in session is confidential and HIPPA compliant.  Video-calls and messaging are all done through the HIPPA-compliant software. 

The cost of nutrition consultation services vary and are dependent upon the services purchased.

This is an important question and one that should be asked.  A great way to explore this further is by booking a free-15 minute discovery call.

The answer to this questions varies greatly. Every person has distinct bio-individual needs based on their genetics, health history, nutritional intake, and lifestyle.  Most individuals need 3-6 months to make a real mark on their health.  However, some individuals may require more time.

At this current time, all sessions are conducted remotely.

Questions are bound to come up between sessions.  After all, this is where most of the work is happening. Unlimited messaging with Danielle between sessions is part of the 3-month package.  

The ABA-influenced package is best for those who thrive with structure and visual aids.  This can be especially helpful for those trying to increase variety of foods and textures within their diet.

Staying in connection with your nutritionist can help you stay connected to your health goals. Therefore, True Potential Nutrition offers a monthly maintenance subscription for those who have met their health goals.  This includes:

  • 20-minute check-in with Danielle to provide updates, ask questions, troubleshoot,etc.
  • Monthly recipe booklet containing 9-12 recipes and a 3-day meal plan tailored to you and your continued goals.

*The True Potential Nutrition Maintenance Subscription is only offered to those who have met their health goals and would like to stay connected with a nutritionist to help sustain the changes previously made.  It is not meant for those who are in the initial phases of their intervention plan or are in need of more intensive care.  It should be noted that clients are typically ready to move to a maintenance subscription between 3-6 months.  However, for some, it may be longer (and some it may be shorter). Together, you and Danielle will discuss if and when a maintenance subscription makes sense for you.